Tuesday 2 September 2014

What is the Paleo Diet? by John Reily at iSnare Articles

When asking what is the Paleo diet, however, it is best to bear in mind that this unique approach mimics the diet that our Paleolithic ancestors lived on for millions of years.

What is the Paleo Diet?

It is a diet which focuses firmly on the nutritihttp://paleocereal.blogspot.com/ve substances that our ancestors consumed during the Paleolithic period. Humans ate these foods for millions of years, ensuring that their bodies are best adapted to eating such types of nourishment. The grains, sugars, and dairy products produced by farming have only been consumed for a few thousand years, far too short a time for adaptation to occur. Our bodies still need the nutrition that was available before the first plow turned over the earth or the first cattle were penned.

PlanningWhen you are planning your meals on what the Paleo diet is, you should devour only those foods which could have been obtained long ago while our dietary genes were being laid down by countless generations of hunter-gatherers. Lean meat, fresh fruit, seafood, eggs, and vegetables are the main components of the Paleo diet. Anything which does not fall into these four categories should be viewed with great skepticism and avoided entirely.

Everything from diabetes to allergies to lactose intolerance to obesity can be laid squarely at the door of grains and dairy products. All baked goods, from bread to cakes to crackers, should be spurned by one who understands what the diet is and what it can do for you. If a food needs to be produced on a farm, and cannot be readily gathered in the wild through hunting or foraging, you should not be eating it, since it will be detrimental to your body in some way.

Many athletes make use of the this diet due to its strong component of protein. Root vegetables other than potatoes and sweet potatoes are the best vegetables to eat. Add a smattering of eggs since nest robbing was a time honored method for our caveman ancestors to get a nutritional boost, and plenty of fresh fruit, lean meat, nuts, and chicken, and you have it down solidly.

Why the Paleo Diet?

There are many reasons to switch over to the this diet in place of the farm-food diet that is harming your bodily function in both obvious and insidious ways. Weight loss is easy with a diet that is high in protein and low in sugars and carbohydrates, which is what the Paleo diet is. Feeling lighter and more energized, shedding food-related problems like allergies and digestive irritation, and prolonging your life by lessening the chance of serious conditions like diabetes from developing in response to incorrect metabolic triggers from poor quality modern foodstuffs, make up another excellent suite of reasons to turn to the diet that our bodies are still best adapted to.

Heart disease becomes far less likely, which is essentially free of saturated fats. Sugar and salt as additives are also avoided fully. You can shake off persistent food-generated allergies by eating the foods that make the Paleo diet what it is, since gluten and casein are two substances introduced to our diet by the ill-advised choices of agriculture, and to which our bodies respond with a variety of uncomfortable responses. It will greatly boost your chances of staying as healthy and fit as our ancestors, rather than like the overweight, diabetic, allergy-ridden population that exists here today.

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