Wednesday 3 September 2014

Online Christian Weight Loss Support and Motivation to Exercise for Overweight Women

Average: Your rating: NoneAverage: 51 voteDeciding to click here Change, The First Victory Step to SuccessYou were created for a special reason. As a Christian woman of God, your wonderfully made body and your daily deeds stand as ambassador for Jesus Christ here on the Earth. This should motivate and encourage you to lose weight because you represent Jesus as a believer, and it's important to set a good example to the world by living a healthy lifestyle and being at a healthy weight.

It is God's will for you to be in good health so you can live an abundant life through Jesus Christ our Savior. God still loves you unconditionally, even when you're overweight, but we need to do everything that we can to show respect and honor for the body that He has given us.

Now how can we be a very effective witness for God our Father, if we are busy wrestling with these diseases and emotional issues that make us look andfeel totally defeated by the Devil? God wants us to be totally free from sickness and disease, and one of the best ways to improve our health is to put our food vices aside and take what I call "Victory Steps" toward making healthy living our personal style of living.

In order to make healthy living our personal style of living, we must first make a real decision to change.

Beating up on ourselves all the timeBeing tired and depressed about our weight and our livesJoining health clubs and never going and wasting our moneyBuying diet pills for fast results knowing deep inside they won't workTrying weight loss detox diets hoping to get a "jumpstart"

Buying exercise gizmos seen on TV... that don't workConsidering weight loss surgery even though you're scared of being put to sleepThinking about throwing the food back up after binge eatingComparing our bodies to other women like model, actresses seen in magazinesSetting a poor example for the kids, because they watch everything we doThinking we're meant to be fat because "it runs in the family"

I should go on and on, but I think you get the point. Once you truly DECIDE that you're completely DONE with the negative impact that excess body weight and emotional weight is having on your life, then you can take your Victory Steps towards manifesting the positive change you want to see in yourself. Let me ask you something. Have you decided that you're ready for a change? Great, read on.

Did you know that YOU are way too important, too precious and too valuable as a woman of God to live your life in a state of depression, hopelessness and despair all because you're having a hard time losing weight? It's time to get up, dust yourself off and finally lose this weight AGAIN, lose it FOR GOOD, and do it as if it were the FIRST TIME you have ever TRIED.

Memorize these scriptures so you'll know them in your heart, and can recall them in times of distress and pain. If you do this, I promise it will be a tremendous blessing in your life.

You may have a lot of work to do, but have faith that you CAN DO IT. Don't give up on God or yourself when it comes to losing that weight. God has paved a way for you to succeed, all you need to do now is take the road to success.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4: 4-7Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Coaching offers faith-based wellness coaching to women who struggle with losing weight.

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