Thursday 4 September 2014

3 Out Of 5 People Will Quit This Diet, Here's Why!

Paleo diet results are mostly positive, but not paleo cereal a lot of people are willing to stick long enough to experience the benefits that it offers.

First, let's touch upon the rewards that you will receive from embarking on a consistent Paleolithic diet plan.

1 My digestive issues have completely disappeared.

2 My body fat percentage has dropped substantially. Prior to embracing the "caveman diet", my body fat percentage was approximately 24%. Now it's at 13% - awesome!

3 No more greasy hair problem. Previously, I had to wash my hair almost every day otherwise, it'll turn into this greasy gob of mess!

So what's the biggest challenge of this diet?

Daily implementation is very challenging due the lack of Paleolithic-friendly meal preparation resources.

Look, delicious Paleo diet recipes are hard to come by so you often get stuck with tasteless meals. This problem used to drive me crazy! I can't even dish up a decent Paleo breakfast meal without having to break the Paleolithic food guidelines.

And then, I discovered a set of Paleolithic diet cookbooks jammed with 310 recipes including breakfast, main courses, desserts, special Paleo-friendly sandwiches. It's all covered in there.

With such huge amount of recipe selections, my interest got boosted substantially! Now I'm very happy with my Paleo diet results.

Anyway, you can download those Paleo cookbooks onto your computer. Tons of good recipes in them complete with photos and detailed directions. No need to wait for shipping.

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